The power of positive thinking

By Paul Scicluna

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Do you remember the last time you were sick? How did you feel? And did you feel worse when you had negative thoughts running through your mind about the sickness? This happens as we allow our mind to dwell on the negative. But how did you feel when a loved one took care of you and reaffirms that you are going to get well? Your attention shifts as you take on healthy and positive thoughts.

Positive thinking is no magical pill that removes sickness instantly. However, you do get better. Some people are actually prescribed medicines to try and generate the positive effects. Yet these can harm you more than you would expect. However, positive thinking and believing that you will be healed helps in a speedy recovery.

There have been many studies about the effects of positive thinking on healing a person. Some studies show that positive thinking indeed can help a person heal.

Scientific research was done to see how thought can affect health status. It has been proven that when a person is in a lot of stress, the body’s immune system weakens. But when a person thinks positively and alleviates stress, the body’s immune system strengthens.

How to develop positive thinking:

1) Say Positive, Think Positive – always use positive words not only when speaking but also when you are thinking. Phrases such as “I can” and “I am capable” are just some of the examples.

2) Feel Positive – let positive feelings flow through you. Get the feeling of happiness, strength and success.

3) Be Around Positivity - be with people who think positively. Positive and negative feelings are contagious. Being with people whose spirits are always down can also bring your spirits down. But being with people whose outlook in life is positive will rub off on you too.

Exercise, as it has been shown to stimulate the brain to release endorphins which are fell good hormones that have been shown to help create feelings of well-being.

Make sure you stay well hydrated, as it’s been shown in studies that the brain can only produce serotonin and melatonin when adequate hydration is present.

All in all, developing a positive mindset plays a major part in self healing. Having a positive outlook in life will empower you. Even if your situation or circumstances are not what you want them to be, just think positive, stay focused and expect favourable results. With a positive outlook, you can change your life.



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